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About the Groomer

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The Funky Foxhound is owned and operated by Emma Cook, a Fear Free Certified Professional and qualified dog trainer who began her dog grooming journey in 2014. Over the years working in a variety of grooming salons as both a groomer and groomers’ assistant, Emma identified a significant need for a different type of groomer; one who wanted to work with the ‘difficult’ dogs using compassion and science-backed techniques.​


As someone who has experienced anxiety and trauma-related disorders, Emma found a real connection with the dogs who struggled with grooming. She recognised their behaviour almost always stemmed from fear, anxiety or pain/discomfort, and that these conditions are best treated with understanding, a holistic approach and effective force free training. Making this connection, Emma sought to be the first Australian groomer to complete the Fear Free Groomer Certification, and thus began her trip down the animal behaviour rabbit hole. She has since completed her Certificate IV in Animal Training and Behaviour, is working towards her Canine Training Technician accreditation, and frequently attends behaviour workshops and conferences. In this time, she has found a great passion for the utilisation of choice, consent/assent and co-operative care within the grooming salon, and is always searching to further her understanding of how to help dogs with ‘big feelings’ around the grooming process. She also spoke on these topics at the Applied Behaviour Analysis Australia Conference in 2023.


When Emma isn’t grooming, you’ll either find her studying all things dog-related, volunteering as a member of the training team at Canine Behavioural School, walking her dogs or training one of her many furry or feathered family members.


The Funky Foxhound has developed into the business it is today following Emma’s belief that all dogs deserve kindness, patience and a sense of control in the grooming salon, and that this is the best way to help dogs who struggle with grooming to receive the care that they deserve. Emma now works specifically with dogs who have a hard time with the grooming process, evolving The Funky Foxhound into a specialist service for those who need it most.


- Fear Free Certified Professional (groomer) (FFCP)
- Cert IV Animal Training and Behaviour - Applied Vocational Training
- Canine Enrichment Technician – Dognostics (2023)

- Peta Clarke Workshop – Nosework (for sport and therapy) (2022)
- Michael Shikashio and Dr. Moira Hechenleitner – Aggression and Separation Anxiety Seminar (2023)

- Applied Behaviour Analysis Conference (2023)
- Barbara Hodel – Teenage Dogs seminar (2023)

- Cooperative Care Conference (Online, 2023)

- Pet Professional Guild Australia conference (2024)

- Eva Bertilsson Cooperative Care Workshop (2024)

- Fear Free Professional
- The Pet Professionals Guild Australia

- Animal Training Academy

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